Exams are out the way finally, so i'm going to get on with some stuff...I recently stole Virtual DJ 5 from my younger brother - i've decided i'm going to try and run the outputs from Ableton in the 2 decks on Virtual DJ so I can use the DJM600 style samplers within the software. Something that Ableton lacks is on the fly sampling without ruining the flow of audio...anyways, enough geeking, couple of great video's that i've enjoyed watching lately.
This song helped pull me through some exam stress last week, really uplifting and great fun...there's something about the leftfield hip-hopisms of the Anticon movement that i love. It shares so much with stuff i've been listening to lately and it's great seeing a band like Why? really pushing things forward and trying to hit the big time with quirky-poppy-indie-rock-hop tunes...
This is a somewhat pointless video to a great song on a great record which caught me off guard. I remember being hopelessly in love with this band 5 years ago or so, then they turned shit but now they've taken yet another U-turn and are trying to re-invent themselves as a Sigor Ros-cum-Envy type post-rock-hardcore erm, thing. I'm still not sold on the idea but this video is a great great piece of work and i do actually like this song.
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