Friday, 24 September 2010


Ok, well, I shouldn't really be doing this during work hours but bugger it. I'm feeling hung over and therefore unmotivated towards work. Writing about music on the other hand seems like a sensible alternative to a mundane Friday afternoon.

Studio session's have been in full flow recently. I have actually pulled my thumb out of my ass...I mean ears and put together a hip-hop EP. It's a collaboration with a young man by the name Super Duke Wellington. He's provided me with some fantastic vocals and we have managed to put together a 5 track EP which can be found right here....metropolis3001

I feel very excited and positive towards the EP, it's felt like a long time coming in all honesty and I have recruited the help of Mr Kevin Borratt of Manreads fame and 'touch-wood' Mr Andrew Telling from Lucasse to add some spit and shine. Once completed, the EP will be available to stream on soundcloud and possibly purchase once I have figured out the business side of releasing an EP online!

Manread's are also working on a new EP - Following on from Side A we have decided to name our second release.....Side B.

"How Original!" I hear you cry. It's a straight up 3 songs, played by us over the course of 6 hours. Mixed and Mastered by your's truely! The reality is, the process was great fun and we have an end result to enjoy. Great! That's what being in a band's all about right?!

Oh and apparently, this chap has something new boiling over the stewing pot

Kinetics - The new Lucasse EP, dropping sometime this year I think/hope/would like to see. It's sounding great, it's a much tighter release to the LP. A touch more Ambient, the drums are tight this time too (Note: BuddyPeaceMPCskilz TM)

As always, if you listen closely, you can hear my finely sampled snare drum and ride cymbal. Clearly a signature move of every Lucasse track, pffffft!

Speak soon people...

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